Document Preparation Service of MicroLaw Inc.
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You always have the right to be your own lawyer. No law or rule requires you to retain a lawyer for a divorce (or for anything else, as long as you represent yourself only).

Some divorcing couples may require legal advice to settle complex issues such as:

  • Serious disagreements as to custody or parenting time.
  • Valuation of a self-owned business.
  • Spouse's undisclosed assets or debts.
  • Division of retirement income.

In a complex case, a jointly-retained mediation or arbitration lawyer can work with both of you to create a Marital Settlement Agreement without the emotional strain and added expense of separate counsel.

For ethical reasons, a lawyer retained to mediate or arbitrate should not participate in the divorce process itself.

Even if you retain legal assistance to negotiate an MSA, our services remain available to help complete the court process until a judge finalizes your divorce.

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